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2024 Junior Board Applications Now Open

The Fish For A Cure (F4AC) Junior Board first started as a way for the founding members’ children to get involved and raise money for a cause in which the whole family could participate. The Junior Board quickly grew to include children of friends and neighbors. Over the years, the Junior Board has operated as a formal board in the community and is limited to 20-25 high school students in Anne Arundel County.

The goal of the board is to groom leaders in the community and teach the importance of giving back, whether it be volunteer hours or organizing fundraisers. As a Junior Board member, you are responsible for putting together fundraising opportunities and volunteering at various F4AC, including the Captain’s Meeting and the Shore Party. Junior Board members also fundraise through restaurant nights, selling F4AC gear, and raising donations to go directly to Junior Board boats.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact PJ Dettor.

Applications due by July 1, 2024.


Download Junior Board Application